Drink to speak better?

Despite being a native English speaker from the UK, I have heard people with strong accents from places like Glasgow in Scotland become completely incomprehensible after a couple of pints from the local pub. They change from native fellow English speakers into someone who makes an unintelligible slurring sound where one word runs straight into the next. So do we really speak a foreign language better when we are drunk?

After a drink or two, I have noticed that people trying to speak a foreign language, don’t worry so much about mistakes or mispronunciations. This means they are speaking worst than normal...

Yet, I feel there is a flip side to this. After a drink or two, I have also noticed that people are more confident and do not have any inhibitions. This results in actually sounding better! Where someone would probably normally keep quiet, they will waffle. This waffling combined with not worrying about errors means they really do sound more fluent, despite the mistakes.

I want to hasten to add that I don’t want to turn everyone into drunks.  However, my conclusion is I think maybe enjoying a glass or two may well help your ability to communicate in a foreign language.

Can you speak a foreign language better after a glass or two?

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