10 ways to improve your listening skills

If you are not surrounded by your target language every day, listening comprehension can be very difficult to acquire for your target language. However, here are 10 fun ways to improve your listening skills.

1. Do LR where you read a book in paper form and at the same time, listen to the audio form of the book at the same time. This is an amazing way to improve listening skills.

2. Have the radio playing in your target language in the background whenever possible. Are you working on your computer or doing some homework? No problem, practice your listening skills at the same time by using a radio.

3. Watch TV and movies that you like in your target language. If possible, use subtitles if you can’t understand more than 70% of what is being said. There is nothing much better than relaxing in front of the TV or a movie.

4. Listen to podcasts. There are a number available for free from ITunes.

5. Actively listen where you try to concentrate as hard as you can on what is being said. This is very useful to practice this with some fun and entertaining podcasts.

6. Listen to your target language music and try to sing along. Maybe you could be the next big music industry star!

7. Attend a college class where everyone has to talk in your target language. There is nothing better for improving your listening skills than when you need to understand your friends.

8. Have language exchanges with your target language native speakers or find yourself a tutor.

9. Go to a country where your target language is spoken and immerse yourself in the sounds around you.

10. Socialise with your target language native speakers whenever possible and at the same time, make new wonderful friends.


  1. Hi everyone,
    good tips!
    let me add to this list that listening over and over to the same bit of listening material (whatever it is) makes even better practice.You'll find it hard to understand it on your first go, give it a second and a third listening and you'll find yourself understanding more words. So, I'd choose short podcasts and i'd listen to the same one, a number of times. Repetition does wonders! I am a teacher and that is a piece of advice that once students have tried, they really see it works!

  2. Thanks for the tip Chris. Now we have 11 ways to improve your listening skills.
