I am scared of making mistakes

I have a friend who is trying to learn English.  She told me a few weeks back that she feels scared to try to speak in English with other people because she thinks she will make mistakes and overall, she will speak ‘badly’.

I felt a little mortified by these words. 

How can you become good in a language if you don’t practice and make mistakes?  You can’t go from being a learner to perfect without practice and making lots and lots of mistakes on the way.  It’s ok to speak slowly, to be hesitant and to even express yourself incorrectly.  However, every time you practice, you will start to speak more quickly, more confidently and you will start to make fewer mistakes. 

Wherever you are in the world, you will always meet impatient people or people who are in a hurry.   These people will not or cannot take the time to communicate at a slower pace than they would with another native or fluent speaking person. 

However, don’t let this impatient minority of people put you off practicing.  Be stubborn and move on and talk to someone else.  If you are reasonably nice, you will always find many fantastic and patient people who would love nothing better than to chat to you.  If you still feel intimidated at the idea of practicing with natives, find a kindly and patient teacher.  They are not there to judge you but to help you.

If you want to learn English, then I really advise to practice conversing in English as much as possible.  It really is the best way to improve.

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